Students at C.H. Yoe High have the opportunity to enroll in courses of interest that involve after-school activities. The following programs are available.
Students are encouraged to become involved in school organizations and activities. Student activity handbooks provide detailed information for tryouts, membership, and student responsibilities for each organization. As with any office held or activity in which one participates, there is always a commitment of time and energy. Those who choose to participate in any leadership role should accept the responsibilities of their duties with a sincere and serious attitude.
Cameron ISD students are admitted to dances with a student ID.
Permission forms requiring signatures of parents are distributed at the beginning of the school year. The following information will be provided to parents prior to campus departure: date, times, destinations, purpose, transportation arrangements, chaperones, costs to students, and additional information as needed.
Only school-sponsored, principal-approved fund raising may take place on the campus. Tickets or articles of any kind are not to be sold on school property by students or outside organizations except by special permission of the principal.
As a member of the University Interscholastic League, C.H. Yoe High School is governed by its regulations. Each coach-sponsor will present a thorough explanation of all rules and regulations to participating students. For further details concerning eligibility, see the “Constitution and Contest Rules” published by the University Interscholastic League.
In order to be eligible to participate in an extracurricular activity for the six-week period following the initial six-weeks period of a year, a student must not have a recorded grade average lower than 70 on a scale of 0-100 in any course the preceding six-weeks period.
Students who receive a six-week grade below 70 in any course or who fail to meet standards in their Individual Education Plan (IEP) will not be allowed to participate in any extracurricular activity or event during the following three-week period. In order to regain eligibility, a student must be passing all classes at the end of the three (3) week period. If the student does not raise the grade of any class failed to a passing average, he/she will continue to be ineligible. The suspension from extracurricular activities goes into effect seven days after the last day of the six-week period during which the grade lower than 70 was earned. Students will be allowed to participate at the end of any six-week period in which the student earns a grade of 70 or above in all courses or subjects.
A student may not be suspended under this provision during the period in which school is recessed for the summer or during the initial grade reporting period of a regular school term on the basis of grades received in the final grade reporting period of the preceding regular school term.
At the end of any six-week period in which a student attains a course grade of 70 or more in each course taken, any suspension from participation in extracurricular activities and/or suspension from out-of-school practice for extracurricular activities will be removed. Students may practice a maximum of eight hours per school week. Performance, including travel time, from the close of one school week until the beginning of another school week and on school holidays will not be counted against permissible practice time. Performance, including travel time, held after the beginning of the school week but prior to the end of the school week (excluding holidays), though held outside of the school day, will be counted against practice time. However, the total time counted against practice time for the first performance will be limited to two hours.
In order to participate in Division I and II Athletics on the collegiate level, students must register and be certified by the NCAA Initial-Eligibility Clearinghouse. Students are advised to check with their academic advisor to be certain they are satisfying the NCAA approved core-course requirements.