Who is Eligible To Enroll?
Age: As of September 1st of the current school year the student must be:
Age 3 or 4 to enter pre-kindergarten (additional qualifications necessary)
Age 5 to enter kindergarten
Age 6 to enter 1st grade (unless kindergarten was completed in another public school)
Less than age 22 and not previously graduated from high school
Residency: The student must live in the District with a parent or legal guardian.
Transfer Students: A nonresident student wishing to transfer into the District must file an application for transfer. All transfers are subject to approval by the superintendent on a space-available basis by grade, subject, and campus. Any transfer student residing in Texas will be admitted tuition-free to all campuses in the District to the extent the cost of education for such transfer student does not exceed the state revenue received by the District for a resident student. Contact the Student Enrollment Office for more information on transfers.
Complete Application for Transfer for 2024-2025 HERE.
What Is Needed To Register?
The following items are needed to ascertain the identity and age of the child:
- An official city, county, state or foreign birth certificate, or other document suitable as proof of the child's age and identity as defined by the commissioner in the Student Accounting Handbook.
- Social Security card (if available)
The following items are required by C.I.S.D.:
- Certified immunization record
- Student’s last report card
- Unofficial transcript from previous school
- Proof of residence (current utility bill preferred)
- Proof of income for pre-school qualification
Immunization Requirements
An immunization record, certified by a physician or other public health personnel is required by the Texas Department of Health for enrollment.
* All immunization requirements are subject to change by the Texas Department of Health. Please contact the school nurse/health aide office if you have any questions.