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Student Survey
Please complete the following form so that we can better serve you in the Gifted program.
What school do you attend?
What do YOU like about GT Class Click all that apply
Something else you like Or something you REALLY don't like about being in GT
What would you like to do more of in the gifted class? Check as many as apply
Other ideas Something that was not listed
In my opinion, my GT teacher: Knows how to challenge me in my areas of strength
The teacher encourages me to apply knowledge to real-life situations
I get feedback about how I'm doing in GT
Comments Heading Additional comments about your GT teacher:
Activities in our AAP class: are good for me. They make me thinker deeper and harder!
AAP gives me the chance to study things that interests me
Some things I want to study about are:
Program Options Pull-out programs (separate GT class like yours) are good for gifted learners
How do you learn best? Check any that apply to you!
What changes would you make to your school day?
What do you think would help improve your learning? It could be in your GT class, regular class, band, athletics, etc.

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