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Health Services
Healthy Kids
Cameron ISD provides the knowledge and skills needed to establish a safe and healthy environment where each student can reach an optimal level of wellness and educational potential.

For further information contact:

Tammy Wimmer, RN
Ben Milam Elementary
(254)697-3641 ext.2890

Cameron Elementary & Junior High
(254)697-2381 ext.4890
(254)697-2131 ext. 4890
Yoe High School (254) 697-3902 ext. 5890



Medication Permission Form
Please download and print

For additional information on MRSA, click the following link:
Centers for Disease Control

Link to immunization requirements and procedure for claiming a vaccine exemption (English and Spanish):
Texas Department of Health Services

Health Clinics in District that offer influenza vaccine:

  • Milam County Health Department
    209 South Houston
  • S&W Clinic
    101 Lafferty
  • CamRock
     201 N Fannin

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